News, fresh off the Farm

The groundhog didn't see his shadow. That should mean an early spring. Pretty obvious given the recent days with rain. I'm not sure what the rainfall records are for January and February but it looks like we might be in contention for setting new ones. April showers bring May flowers, but rain in February should make you wary.

Please help us go scent free in 2025
A few years ago we were getting ready to make a pitch to make our facility "scent free", out of respect for those who have respiratory problems that are activated by the presence of strong perfumes and fragrances. It got put on a backburner, but 2025 is the year to promote the concept and see if we can't make the air we share more breathable.

the flag of the Ukraine
I'm gonna give you to the count of ten to get yer ugly, yella, no-good keister off my property, before I pump yer guts full of lead.

Events Calendar

calendar gifWelcome to the new home for our consolidated events calendar.

Advance entry closed for the "Working Class Special" CARO trial on February 9th. Space remains available for anyone wanting last minute runs, please contact us.

Click on the + to expand the section of interest.

We have a full schedule of training

  • Weekdays by appointment - Melody Murray with specialized private instruction.
  • Tuesday evening - Debby DaCosta with specialized private instruction
  • Wednesday afternoon and evenings - Heeling with Michaela Bouzkova.
  • Thursday morning & afternoon - Melody Murray with specialized private and semi-private instruction.
  • Saturday - Debby DaCosta with specialized private and semi-private instruction and classes.
  • Sunday - Debby DaCosta with specialized private and semi-private instruction and classes.

We continue sessions with Dr Roxane Pardiac, DVM B.Sc here at The Poodle Farm. Please let us know if you are interested in attending, what services you require with which dog and what time suits you best.

Scheduled 2025 Dates (Tuesdays 6:30 to 9:30pm) -
~ February 18
~ March 18
~ April 15
~ May 20
~ June 17
~ July 22
~ August 19
~ September 23
~ October 28
~ November 25
~ December 23

We will have more CARO trials in 2025, just waiting to finalize details before announcing dates.

February Rally

Click Here fingerfor late entry

Our 2025 schedule of CKC events is already kicked off. We have applied for dates for Agility and Obedience/Rally in the second half of the year. Details will be released after approval is received.

November All-Breed Rally & Obedience

  • Poodle Club of Canada
    ~ Friday 31 October, 2025
    - Two Trials Rally ~ Judge: Susan Bell
  • Poodle Club of Canada
    ~ Saturday 01 November, 2025
    - Two Trials Obedience ~ Judge: Susan Bell
  • Poodle Club of Canada
    ~ Sunday 02 November, 2025
    - Two Trials Obedience ~ Judge: Ted Leslie

Official Premium List and entry forms will be published later this year. Please check back early in the Summer..

We have the entire calendar here now, one less click to get the information you want.


We are no longer making the full CARO rally sign sets, however for those who have the 2022 sets we do offer the new signs for 2025 so you can stay up to date.

2025 CARO rally sign update pack

These are just the 21 signs that have been added. Some are already in use, some take effect in the spring. Now available for just $49.00 including taxes and postage! More details…

We will continue with full support for CKC Rally & Obedience with full and upgrade sign sets, as well as a new Obedience Open/Utility exercise card for the 2025 rule changes. All CKC signs…

Health & Lifestyle

It looks like we are being attacked by our neighbours to the south. The first salvo in an economic war have been fired, and both sides are preparing to reload for a second shot. Seems some people have forgottten old adages like "turn the other cheek" and "cutting off your nose to spite your face". Recent events in Ukraine and Gaza should have been a wake-up call that there is no longer a "lightning war", and if both sides decide to just slug it out then the slugging can go on indefinitely.

Maybe Canada should fight differently …
Announce that US-bound air travellers will no longer clear US Customs & Immigration checks at Canadian airports and send all the US CBP personnel home,
Announce that Canada is immediately removing all export controls for Canadian gun owners who want to take their firearms across the land border and sell them in US cities,
Announce the end of the exemption from import duties for goods that Canadian residents returning from the US bring into Canada.

Fair is fair, let's stop subsidizing America. Just for starters…


We have our first CARO trial of the year all wrapped up. The weather you expect from January, rain and warm one day and the bottom falls out of the thermometer the next. Thank you to Judge Whitney Shaver for coming out for a full slate of regular classes, and to everyone who participated and helped move things along at a reasonable pace so we could wrap up just about when it got dark.

Unofficial results for January, Click here (PDF).

We had our first CKC trial on the first weekend of the year. Scent Detection for the Poodle Club of Canada, with Judge Nathan Clarkson. Fortunately we had a very nice day, although cold. A few light snowflakes early in the morning, then the sun came out in time for the Exterior tests in the afternoon. Very well attended, especially in Masters division. The best part is that we wrapped up just before the Sun went down, and no one had to do any searches by candlelight.

Unofficial results for December CARO are still available,
Click Here for the Regular Class (PDF).
Click Here for the Working Class (PDF).


Poodle Poetry & Pynky

Black & Blue

Poodle Poetry

Some poodles are black,
some poodles are blue.
28 tiles in a domino box,
and days in February too.

Pynky & the Brain

Pynky & The Brain

Pynky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?

I think so Brain, but what does that have to do with the price of chai in Mumbai?



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